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offender tracking system


Monitoring Software

Integrated Electronic Surveillance Platform

CO-EYE electronic monitoring software is a visualization platform for non-custodial offender tracking and tracing system based on WEB GIS, using advanced J2EE technical route and cross-platform open architecture, based on SQL SERVER database, using JAVA, JSP, EJB, and multi-level system structure to realize high reliability and scalibility platform.

The main functions of monitoring software include retrieving multiple data from different electronic surveillance devices such as GPS ankle bracelet, electroinic bracelet, ankle monitoring tracker, offender tracking APP and etc., supporting transmission protocols such as TCPIP/UDP/HTTP/HTTPS , The system capacity is greater than 100,000 terminals; real-time alarm supports alert functions including electronic fence, illegal tamper, network interruption, low battery, equipment failure, etc.; real-time positioning monitoring; historical track playback; query statistics and analysis , Support timeline event and work trace management; Support multiple hierarchical management to achieve unified authentication and hierarchical authority management; remote device control, self-check and upgrade; log and audit functions.

Ready to see CO-EYE Ankle monitor in action? Schedule a demo today!

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